Indoor plants often improve the ambiance of a home or any other location they are kept. Some of them also purify their nearby environment, also keeping indoor plants are also aesthetically appealing. Additionally, these plants make you feel better and focus more. One such aesthetically pleasing plant is lucky bamboo, which we often grow in our houses. But there are certain tips that you must keep in mind while taking care of indoor plants.

The following article conveys you some tips about growing and taking care of lucky bamboo plants and its numerous varieties.

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What is a Lucky Bamboo plant and its different varieties?

Lucky bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana) is a popular indoor plant that may be grown hydroponically or in soil. The lucky bamboo plant belongs to the Asparagaceae family, despite the fact that its stalks resemble those of an actual bamboo plant. Lucky bamboo has deep roots in feng shui, an old Chinese philosophy that dates back to the ninth century BC, and is thus typically given as a gift to foster good luck, good fortune, love, health, and growth.There are many varieties of lucky bamboo that are readily available that could easily be found in local plant nurseries; some of the most well-known of them are:

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  • White Stripe Victory
  • White Stripe Gold
  • Black bamboo (Phyllostachys)
  • Green bamboo
  • Straight Lucky Bamboo
  • 2 Layer Lucky Bamboo
  • 3 Layer Lucky Bamboo/ Dracaena braunii
  • 8 Layer Lucky Bamboo
  • Lotus Lucky Bamboo
  • Spiral Lucky Bamboo
  • Feng Shui Wheel
  • Pyramid Big 5
  • Pyramid Big 8
  • Braided Lucky Bamboo
  • Trellis Lucky Bamboo
  • Heart-Shaped Lucky Bamboo
  • Buddha Bamboo

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How to Grow a Lucky Bamboo Plant?

Usually people who tend to grow lucky bamboos prefer growing them in water. Heres how you can grow a lucky bamboo in your home if youre looking to propagate one:

Use a layer of pebbles to stabilize the stems of the plant and hold it in place.

Water should be added to keep the roots submerged. (The plant will require at least three inches of water if its roots havent yet developed.)

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The ideal water is distilled or filtered, especially if your tap water contains fluoride or chlorine. The green tips of the leaves may burn and turn brown as a result of these substances.

It is essential that the container has drainage holes; even if you water it frequently, avoid letting it sit in water or become waterlogged.

You can monitor the growth of roots through a glass container/pot. Continue maintaining a certain water level as the plants grow to keep it above the roots.

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Lucky Bamboo Care Tips

Succulents and lucky bamboo are easier to cultivate indoors; all it takes is a little monitoring. Here are a few crucial pointers to remember in order to maintain the health of your lucky bamboo plant:

Every seven to ten days, change the water and clean the pebbles and container/pot.

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Lucky bamboo often grows well without any fertiliser, but you can choose to give it a tiny drop of houseplant fertiliser each month if you wish.

Keep it out of direct sunlight since this plant naturally flourishes in the shade of higher trees. The ideal lighting is bright, indirect light. More light is required if it begins to turn a pale green colour.

The 65 to 90F temperature range supports an ideal growth for lucky bamboos.

Hope these tips help support a healthy and beautiful growth of your plant! Happy growing!