The red lily gourami is a type of dwarf gourami fish with a bright red body and blue dorsal fins. It is a freshwater fish native to the Indian subcontinent, Bangladesh, and Pakistan.
Physical characteristics
Size: Dwarf gouramis are one of the smallest gourami species. Males are slightly larger than females.
Color: Males are bright orange-red with turquoise-blue stripes, while females are silvery blue-gray.
Fins: Have long filamentous rays extending from each pelvic fin
Red lily gouramis do best in heavily-planted tanks with lots of shade and hiding places.
They prefer water with good flow and low oxygen levels.
They are shy fish, so it's important to provide enough hiding places to protect females from male harassment.
Red lily gourami's are omnivorous and can eat tropical flakes, color flakes, shrimp pellets, and tropical granules.
Frozen and live foods can be given as treats or to encourage spawning.
Rotate their diet daily and only feed them what they can eat in under two minutes.